


Within扎实的作品工具,可以实现各种各样的事情来使过渡更加容易,尤其是当外部事件在短时间内迫使您进入远程工作时。I’m a regional technical support manager based out of our Mountain View, CA office, but we are widely distributed across 18 different locations and frequently need to work from our phones, customer sites, airports and remote offices – and we take advantage of remote work tools every day.


Most SOLIDWORKS licensing is either standalone (serial number starts with 0000 or 9000) or network (0100 or 9010). You can tell which you’re using by going to Help>About SOLIDWORKS>Show Serial Number.

If you’re on a standalone license, it’s normally locked to the hard drive of your computer. If you want to install on a different computer (maybe a home computer or a laptop), you need to first release the license from your current computer. Check out this summary of如何在家使用Solidworks。While reading up on this, feel free to browse around other articles in our support knowledge base.

如果您无法访问工作计算机来停用您的软件联系支持,我们可以远程为您做。致电1.877.266.4469或访问我们的技术支持页面for assistance.


Standalone licenses can also use an online activation mode that doesn’t require the manual activate/deactivate steps. This license mode ties your license to an email address and password, and this can be great if you expect to be bouncing around different computers. As soon as you launch SOLIDWORKS, you’re presented with a login window to enter.

查看这篇文章以学习如何轻松设置在线许可。It can be converted back to machine activation at any time.


If you’re on a network license, there’s two main options available.

First, you can borrow a license to a different computer for 30 days. The computer needs to be connected to the network temporarily, the license borrowed, and it can then be disconnected and used remotely for that period of time. The license can be sent back to the server before the time limit manually, otherwise it will transition back when time expires.



Other Options to Access SOLIDWORKS From Home

A final option for SOLIDWORKS access is to use a remote desktop tool such as LogMeIn, Windows RDS, GoToMyPC or one of the many other variants out there. This will allow you to connect to your work computer remotely and operate it as if you were sitting at it. This could allow you to run SOLIDWORKS from a home computer or other device that isn’t powerful enough to run SOLIDWORKS normally. In these scenarios, SOLIDWORKS will likely run in Software OpenGL mode, which isn’t using the full power of the graphics card, but for a temporary situation, you should be able to get by.

如果您必须在计算机上使用SolidWorks,则可以在没有适当的图形卡上使用SolidWorks,则此软件OpenGL模式也可以成为救生员。默认情况下,它应该在此计算机上启用,但您也可以尝试在SolidWorks安全模式下启动。而且,如果您正在寻找合适的笔记本电脑用于远程工作,请查看我们的recommended hardware guide


还有虚拟桌面工具,例如Frame或Amazon AppStream 2.0,可让您在Web浏览器中运行SolidWorks。这可能需要一些设置,您可能需要将设计数据放入诸如Google Drive或Dropbox之类的云存储工具中,但这是值得考虑的选择。如果您卡住并需要完成某件事,Solidworks提供了7天试用在浏览器中使用该软件。


If you’re usingSOLIDWORKS PDMto manage your data, that server is likely hosted at your company offices. You’re going to need VPN access to your company’s server to get this going. You’ll need to create a Vault View on your home computer to access the PDM database, or make adjustments to your laptop computer as needed. We providerecommendations for working from homewith PDM.





Use This Time to Enhance Your Skills

As much as we don’t like to admit, for some of us it’s a reality that we can’t be as productive at home as we can at work. We may not have access to our lab, workshop or other equipment that we use to do our jobs, and it can sometimes be tough to maintain productivity in those circumstances.

If you find yourself with downtime, it can be a great opportunity to boost your skills. Your SOLIDWORKS subscription includes access to several certifications and here at Hawk Ridge Systems we’re offering steep discounts on our web-based training offerings – both instructor-led and self-paced through March 31, 2020.联系我们了解有关我们的培训优惠的更多信息。


Reach Out for Help

All of the documents linked in this blog are from our知识库,由我们的技术支持团队生产。我们的技术支持团队是我们组织的心跳,每月处理约3,000个客户案例,并且在Solidworks的使用和管理方面和我们提供的其他设计工具都非常熟练。



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