什么是新的SolidWorks 2022:线性素描模式增强

Linear sketch patterns in SOLIDWORKS

If you are using linear patterns in your sketches, I’ve got some exciting news for you! There have been some great enhancements with the release of扎实的作品2022. Now, you can use a line as a direction reference (previously it would become part of the patterned entities). Also, you can pattern and copy text in linear patterns.

I'm working on a plane propeller here and I want to add in some features for manufacturing. I already have a couple of sketches that I'm going to use for the features.

Propeller and sketches in SOLIDWORKS Propeller and sketches in SOLIDWORKS


The Revolve Sketch is going to be a revolved cut for mounting the propeller. I have a construction line at a 3-degree angle and a square because that is the shape and orientation that I need for this mounting feature.

使用a Line as a Direction Reference

Revolved feature sketch in SOLIDWORKS Revolved feature sketch in SOLIDWORKS

Revolved Feature Sketch

To start a linear pattern, click on the Sketch command manager tab and select the command.

Linear sketch pattern command in SOLIDWORKS Linear sketch pattern command in SOLIDWORKS

Linear Sketch Pattern command


SolidWorks中的线性素描设置 SolidWorks中的线性素描设置


Finished revolved cut in SOLIDWORKS Finished revolved cut in SOLIDWORKS

Finished Revolved Cut

Next, I want to add some text for the installers so that they know which way is up when they are mounting it. The Text Sketch has some construction geometry and the word “UP” in it, but I also want to put it on the bottom of the face. Instead of doing more construction geometry and text, I'll use the linear pattern again.

Sketch with text in SOLIDWORKS Sketch with text in SOLIDWORKS

Sketch with Text

This time, I could use the Y-axis as the pattern direction but I'll just use this vertical construction line as I did in the previous sketch. I'll put in the spacing and instances and flip the direction, then create a cut for the feature.

Text linear pattern sketches in SOLIDWORKS Text linear pattern sketches in SOLIDWORKS


Cut using text linear sketch patterns in SOLIDWORKS Cut using text linear sketch patterns in SOLIDWORKS

Cut using Text

Hopefully, this blog showed you some useful and time-saving ways to use linear sketch patterns in扎实的作品. If you'd like to learn more or if you have any questions, pleasecontact usat Hawk Ridge Systems today. Thanks for reading!

January 19, 2022
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