How to Troubleshoot SOLIDWORKS Issues With Safe Mode

How to Troubleshoot SOLIDWORKS Issues With Safe Mode

Having problems with SOLIDWORKS like crashing, hanging, failing to start or performing poorly? Use Safe Mode to overcome problems and help identify the cause.


扎实的作品Safe Modes are a way to start扎实的作品for troubleshooting that can eliminate two very common issues. The first Safe Mode option will bypass your graphics card while the second option will temporarily use a set of factory default system options. By eliminating your graphics card or system settings, you'll be able to test if these are the cause of your issue.


您将在SolidWorks Rx应用程序中找到安全模式工具。只需搜索“SolidWorks Rx”的Windows开始菜单并启动程序。要使用安全模式启动SolidWorks,请单击下面显示的按钮:

Which Safe Mode Option Should I Use?

You have two Safe Mode options to choose from depending on the symptoms you're experiencing.

The first method can use software to emulate a certified graphics card by setting the “Software OpenGL mode” option. By isolating your graphics card from the issues you're facing, you'll know if the problems are caused by the graphics card or the driver it’s using. Find supported graphics cards and the corresponding recommended driver on thehardware certificationarea of the SOLIDWORKS website. It’s possible to set this option for more than one session in Tools>Options>System Options>Performance by enabling "Use Software OpenGL." If the "Use Software OpenGL" option is grayed out, you'll need to disable the "Enhanced graphics" mode to use this option. "Enhanced graphics" can also be a cause of graphical issues, so you might test with that off also.

The second option starts SOLIDWORKS using default settings. This will temporarily restore the factory system options and user interface. If the unexpected behavior is resolved, that means either there's a setting causing the issues or your settings are corrupted. You can permanently restore the factory default settings by performing aregistry reset.

If you're experiencing issues with SOLIDWORKS, then use Safe Mode to overcome problems and help identify the cause.

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May 14, 2021
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