
Posted in:数据管理

在审查这一点SolidWorks管理PLM.projects our Hawk Ridge SystemsEnterprise Solutions团队一直参与在过去的四年, there are many variations:

  • 来自遗留PLM系统的迁移,适用于已经存在的公司SolidWorks CAD.ecosystem
  • 从中升级扎实的作品PDM Professionalbecause they needed more functionality
  • 远离Windows文件系统到他们的第一个正式的数据管理和PLM系统
  • A variety of different vertical markets and industries
  • A wide array in the amount of data analytics and/or project management they want included in phase one of the project plan (phased implementation vs. big bang)
  • 以及更多

There are two common denominators, however. Most, if not all, of the customer’s primary reasons for looking at SOLIDWORKS Manage included a need for better automation of their bills of materials and engineering change processes.

The Challenge for Enterprise Companies

Large enterprises often have different terms used to refer to their standardization, modernization, automation, and overarching digital transformation corporate initiatives. Similarly, they too often also have slightly varying names to reflect their company’s change processes, requests, corrective actions, and non-conformances, as well as variances as to which departments are involved, when, and exactly how.

They all share a goal, however, of moving away from the as-is system in place that we frequently hear referred to as inefficient or “horrible.” They need to get to a place where they have one optimal system in place across their national or global enterprise for engineering, quality control, operations, manufacturing, project managers, purchasing, marketing, sales, etc.



时间不仅仅是金钱,这是一个溢价。普通的每小时负担率在现在(或月份)日益增加,我们的员工更多的是遥远的。考虑到这些因素,与从头到尾的手工改变请求相关的所有步骤的行业标准成本和涉及的手工改变请求,我们在管理PLM ROI计算中使用起点是每项请求的保守300万美元。然后,我们将贵公司估计在一年内完成的估计数量估计有多少变更率......超过三年。

Curious to see how it looks for your organization and all the other factors involved in calculating an accurate ROI? Please contact us for help. We have developed some great tools that are easy to use and share with other stakeholders.



  • Adding the option of flat BOMs
  • Optimally add non-modeled items or phantom BOMs to PLM requirements
  • Creating BOMs from multiple data vaults
  • Easily comparing different BOM variants and corporate regions
  • Pushing it to SOLIDWORKS drawings
  • 利用任何此数据以易于配置,准确,高效的数据分析(仪表板和报告)
  • BOM integration to an ERP or MRP system

SolidWorks Manage PLM具有高级BOM Toolkit,并以工程BOM焦点开头,而不是事后的事后。

Advanced BOM toolkit in SOLIDWORKS Manage Advanced BOM toolkit in SOLIDWORKS Manage

Learn More About SOLIDWORKS Manage PLM

要了解有关这些主题的更多信息,并了解我们如何使用SolidWorks管理PLM解决这些挑战,查看我们最近的网络研讨会,“How to Master Bills of Materials and Changes With SOLIDWORKS Manage PLM。“


The rub on these areas for improvement is that typically when you need these tools and automation most is when you have the least amount of time to explore – let alone implement and train up on. Because of this, you end up defaulting to the path of least resistance: reinventing the wheel with Excel, paper files, manual operations, rework, etc. This, in turn, creates more tribal knowledge and less standardization. What happens when he or she leaves?

这是一个只有复杂问题,直到船舶改变课程或更恰当地升级其发动机。我们的团队拥有资源和独特的专业知识,可以在前端进行大量的实施,配置和培训繁重的升降 - 甚至在Microsoft Azure上管理所有云基础架构,IT,安全性和备份。也就是说,它需要从您的团队中大量的时间投入。您越早启动该过程,您越早可以开始流线,减少不值守的添加时间,并查看ROI。现状始终是我们最大的障碍。

To learn more about扎实的作品Manage请和其他数据管理选项值得探索contact us在今天亚博全网首页登录的Hawk Ridge Systems。谢谢阅读!

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