How to Improve Part Quality with Markforged Bed Level Test Circles

How to Improve Part Quality with Markforged Bed Level Test Circles
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Using Shims to Reset Markforged 3D Printer

使用垫片校准标记桌面3D打印机 使用垫片校准标记桌面3D打印机

Markforged composite printers come with a set of shims that are used to set up the printer and initially calibrate. If you move the printer or have a bad build, then it’s definitely a good idea to do a bed level shim and “reset” the machine. The problem with shimming is that it’s too subjective and will produce different results depending on the user. For this reason, the shim calibration is not accurate enough to get consistent, top-level prints. However, shims are a great way to get the printer “in the ballpark” so that bed level test circles can be performed next.



Setting up bed level test in Markforged desktop 3D printer Setting up bed level test in Markforged desktop 3D printer

Depending on the quality of each circle, the screw will be adjusted up or down to improve the defect. This simulates the first layer of your print, so the better your circles are, the better your print will be. This should be run multiple times until all three circles come out perfect.

What Do Good and Bad Circles Look Like?


Bed level test results for Markforged desktop 3D printer calibrations Bed level test results for Markforged desktop 3D printer calibrations

If the nozzle is too close, then the nozzle will prevent the material from extruding properly, so you get very skinny, stretchy circles.

Missing material from Markforged desktop bed level calibration Missing material from Markforged desktop bed level calibration


Markforged desktop 3D printer bed level calibration results Markforged desktop 3D printer bed level calibration results


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To test each circle, simply try to pull them apart with your fingers. A perfect circle will not stretch, and will not break even when being pulled on by its fault lines. If the nozzle is too far, then the circle will break as the bonding between the lines is weak. If the circle is stretchy, then your nozzle is too close.

在标记台式机3D打印机校准上测试圆圈 在标记台式机3D打印机校准上测试圆圈



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If you have any questions or are consideringMarkforged3D打印技术为您的组织,联系我们at Hawk Ridge Systems and our dedicated team of additive experts can help you get started.



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