Enterprise Harness: Solving Wire Harnessing Challenges

Enterprise Harness: Solving Wire Harnessing Challenges

通过当今的智能和连接的产品,越来越多的设计项目涉及使用机械,电气和电子元件 - 使用PCB,电线,电缆和线束构成设计的关键元素。


Wire Harnessing Design Problems

There are methodologies available within SOLIDWORKS, particularly using the Electrical Routing modules, to model the wire routes that make up a harness, but using these techniques requires a deep understanding of 3D mechanical CAD, and the rules and processes that go into modeling. Many of the users tasked with wire routing come from an electrical or electromechanical background, and may not have the SOLIDWORKS experience to be able to navigate mates, 3D sketches and discerning between part and assembly context to perform this work efficiently.

Faced with these challenges, many companies have fallen back to only creating 2D manufacturing drawings of wire harnesses in software tools like AutoCAD or Visio. This has been common practice in the industry for many years, but doesn’t offer many of the benefits of working in 3D, including:

  • 无需原型或手动测量即可准确的线长信息
  • 用系统中建模的线束进行精确的重量和空间分配
  • 响应于设计变更的模型,允许在设计过程中提前设计有线利用,平行于机械设计

我们的H亚博全网首页登录awk Ridge Systems团队在过去几年中度过了寻找更好的方式来执行这项工作,我们相信我们发现了理想的修复。

The Perfect Wire Harnessing Solution

We now utilize a SOLIDWORKS partner product called Enterprise Harness, produced by Landmark Technology. Enterprise Harness is a powerful, easy-to-use 3D modeling package exclusively designed for wire harnesses, and is unique in the market in its approach to the design process.


  • 3D CAD模型,从SolidWorks导出,单击SolidWorks接口。这会产生模型的轻量级版本,提高性能,因为这些模型可能很大。
  • 从/到列表总结了PIN针对引脚连接的线束需要制作。这可以从原理图设计软件导出(我们推荐SOLIDWORKS Electrical)或在Excel中手动创建。如果需要,可以在没有A来自/列表的情况下创建线束。

在Enterprise Harness界面中,用户在3D空间中的相应斑点中放置来自/待列表中标识的连接器。该软件具有连接器库,并且线束连接器将自动捕捉到其匹配的伙伴,而无需手动伴侣。

Once connectors have been placed, the wire routing is mapped out, with simple clicks to set the start and end points of the route, as well as any intermediate points needed. The path of the 3D route can be manipulated at any point with simple push/pull controls, and branches can easily be created, again just by clicking in the model. This is easier than approaches in SOLIDWORKS Routing, which can involve managing and manipulating complex splines.

企业线束解决 - 线束 - 挑战_2
个人电线从销销然后运行automatically added, reading that information from the From/To list, and once the harness is complete, a single click sends the finished 3D shape back to the original SOLIDWORKS model.


企业线束解决 - 线束 - 挑战_3

Overall, Enterprise Harness is a software package that allows for quick, intuitive modeling of 3D wire harnesses, is accessible to users who aren’t experts in 3D mechanical CAD, and provides a complete digital model of the electromechanical design, with all necessary manufacturing documentation.

Contact ustoday to learn more about Enterprise Harness.谢谢阅读!


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