Articles by John Slipec

Articles by John Slipec

John Slipec is an Applications Engineer based out of our Winnipeg, MB office. He has a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Manitoba and has over 10 years of industry experience as a Design Engineer, CAD Administrator, and .NET Software Developer. John is also a CSWE with numerous additional SOLIDWORKS certifications. During his off hours his learning endeavors shift towards pursuits in all-grain home brewing and digital photography specializing in landscapes & urban cityscapes.
SOLIDWORKS Design Automation for Free

SOLIDWORKS Design Automation for Free – DriveWorks Xpress

I have had the pleasure of using numerous CAD systems through my years in manufacturing & design. And despite the learning curve forSOLIDWORKSbeing the most favorable one by far, typically my learning path is always the same when approaching a new system. At first, I would simply learn how to use the tool through a mixture of formal training and on the job experience. Once I had enough experience and was proficient enough, I would always start getting curious about design automation. Every CAD system has some way to deal with low level automation, but for anything advanced you would always inevitably need to turn to API coding. This of course requires the working knowledge of a programming language such as Visual Basic or C#. In our case, when it comes to us wanting more from design automation with SOLIDWORKS you will not need to learn a programming language let alone even know what an API is period.

September 13, 2021
What’s New SOLIDWORKS Composer 2018: Importing SOLIDWORKS Appearances and Textures

What’s New SOLIDWORKS Composer 2018: Importing SOLIDWORKS Appearances and Textures

很长时间了,SOLIDWORKS作曲家been dangling a juicy carrot in front of us in regards to a new model import option. We have always wanted the ability to not only import SOLIDWORKS models with their applied appearances intact, but with any applied textures coming across as well. Since SOLIDWORKS comes with a very robust appearances tool and extensive library, it has always made sense to wish to apply these directly at the modeling level.

October 4, 2017
Oktoberfest Part 2: Layouts & Equipment Selection

Oktoberfest Part 2: Layouts & Equipment Selection

In this series, I will use SOLIDWORKS to design a keezer for use in delivering cold homebrewed beer from several kegs at a time. The goal is to design and eventually build the best delivery system possible to meet our requirements. One could even say that we will be following an adventure in beer engineering.
October 14, 2016