Articles by Charles Mayou

Articles by Charles Mayou

Charles manages electrical CAD application at Hawk Ridge Systems and is responsible for the operations of SOLIDWORKS Electrical presales engineering, implementation, consulting, training and post-sales support. He has over 20 years of CAD experience, as well as product design skills in mining equipment, medical devices, refrigeration systems and other fields.
How to Simplify Your Wiring With Enterprise Harness

How to Simplify Your Wiring With Enterprise Harness

For those that must develop complex electromechanical assemblies, you know that developing the wire harness in a 3D environment has had its challenges in the past. With the development of 3D modeling tools such asSOLIDWORKS, more companies have chosen to integrate their wire harness into their 3D assemblies. Doing this, however, adds complexity to the 3D assembly and comes with its own set of issues.

Enterprise Harness and Enterprise Layout from Landmark Technologies have simplified the process of designing and documenting your wire harness in a 3D environment.

Smart Schematics Trends: Are They Worth the Change?

Smart Schematics Trends: Are They Worth the Change?

聪明的示意图正在改变我们设计和向世界提出想法的方式。虽然传统的自动助手和绘图功能可以支持基本的想法和概念化,但它们在数据丰富的现代景观中根本不够“快速或平稳”。要在最高级别运行,您需要自动化,更快的响应 - 智能原理图。

September 16, 2021
How to Integrate Wire Harness Design in Your SOLIDWORKS Assemblies

How to Integrate Wire Harness Design in Your SOLIDWORKS Assemblies

How often do you wait until you have a physical prototype in hand to start your wire harness design? Do you see revisions to your mechanical assemblies that force changes to your wire harnesses? Have you seen delays to product launches due to waiting for your wire harnesses to be designed and built? If you answered yes to any of those questions, you might want to start integrating your wire harness design into yourSOLIDWORKSassemblies. This can be done in several ways.

February 26, 2021
Fresh Approaches to Wire Harnessing for Electromechanical Systems