Assembly User Interface Overview in SOLIDWORKS

Assembly User Interface Overview in SOLIDWORKS
Posted in:机械设计


I need to create a hinge assembly and add it to a door. An assembly is a collection of parts and/or assemblies in one file. I already have the parts designed, so I'll use the New command to create an assembly. Here, I can choose the generic assembly template, or click on Advanced to specify a custom template.

Starting a new assembly in SOLIDWORKS Starting a new assembly in SOLIDWORKS



在SolidWorks中开始汇编命令 在SolidWorks中开始汇编命令

Begin Assembly Command.

Once I've selected it, having the Graphics preview option checked will allow me to see it in the Graphics area. The last option allows you to rotate the part before you place it, which I'll use to make the hinge plate vertical. By default, the part’s orientation is what it was designed in. You can change the angle to whatever you like, and click the button on the axis you want to rotate about respectively to the global coordinate system in the bottom left of the Graphics Area.

将零件放在固体组件中 将零件放在固体组件中

Placing the part in the assembly.


First part of origin in SOLIDWORKS Assembly First part of origin in SOLIDWORKS Assembly

Hit Okay to place the first part at the origin.

Let's take a look at the User Interface. When working in an assembly, the Assembly tab is on in the Command Manager and this is where you will see most of the commands useful while building and modifying an assembly. The icon in the Feature Manager tree next to the name indicates that this is an assembly. Moving down the Feature Manager tree, there are the same folders we would see in a part, along with the standard Front, Right, Top planes, and Origin. These are the assembly reference planes. At the very bottom of the tree, there is a Mates folder that is currently empty. More on this later.

Utilizing the assembly tab in SOLIDWORKS Utilizing the assembly tab in SOLIDWORKS

Assembly UI.

If I expand the part, I can see that it has its own reference planes and origin. When I clicked Okay to place it, the part's planes were aligned with the assembly's planes. There's an F next to the part name, which means it's fixed in space and cannot move. In other words, all of its degrees of freedom have been locked. I can also see which is the current configuration and display state.

Expanded feature manager tree in SOLIDWORKS Expanded feature manager tree in SOLIDWORKS

Expanded Feature Manager Tree.

I recommend at least one part or subassembly be fixed so that it can anchor the other components in the assembly. I want to add in another part, so I'll use the Insert Components command.


Insert Components command in SOLIDWORKS Insert Components command in SOLIDWORKS


Looking in the Feature Manager tree, I can see that the pin can move, indicated by the minus sign next to the name. In other words, there aren’t enough degrees of freedom locked to keep the pin from moving. To translate it in space, left-click a face and drag. To rotate it, right-click a face and drag. Just a reminder, I can't do that with the plate because it's fixed (you’ll get a message if you try to move it.) However, I can right-click on it and select Float to change that.

Unconstrained assembly part in SOLIDWORKS Unconstrained assembly part in SOLIDWORKS

Unconstrained second part.

Fixed component message in SOLIDWORKS assembly Fixed component message in SOLIDWORKS assembly

Fixed component message.

Before I mate a part, I like to move it close to its final position. This makes it easier for me to predict how SOLIDWORKS will apply the mates. Speaking of mates, let's add some. I'll hit the mate command up here.

在SolidWorks组装中使用MATE命令 在SolidWorks组装中使用MATE命令

Mate Command.



Creating a mate in SOLIDWORKS assembly Creating a mate in SOLIDWORKS assembly


I'll rotate around the entire assembly and move the pin so that I can select both flat faces and make those coincident. After selecting okay, the mates have been added to the Mates box. Once I'm done with the Mate command, I select okay at the top of the Property Manager to exit the command.

Adding mates to assembly in SOLIDWORKS Adding mates to assembly in SOLIDWORKS



Mates folders in SOLIDWORKS assemblies Mates folders in SOLIDWORKS assemblies

Mates folders.


Lock Rotation option in SOLIDWORKS assembly Lock Rotation option in SOLIDWORKS assembly

Lock Rotation option.

Fully locked part in SOLIDWORKS assembly Fully locked part in SOLIDWORKS assembly


Lastly, I need to add in a second hinge plate. I could use Insert components again, but it might be easier to copy the first one. I can do this by selecting it in the Feature Manager tree, holding CTRL, and dragging it into the Graphics Area. Before I mate it, I have another configuration that I want to use. By right-clicking on the part, I can select the correct configuration at the top of the menu by selecting it in the pulldown and hitting the green check.

Changing configuration in SOLIDWORKS assembly Changing configuration in SOLIDWORKS assembly

Changing the configuration used in the assembly.

Now, I’ll add in enough mates to position it, but not enough to fully lock it because I don't want to keep the hinge from rotating. Also, note that the second instance of the same part has a “2” after the name. I'll save the assembly by hitting Save and giving it a name.

Full assembly in SOLIDWORKS Full assembly in SOLIDWORKS

Full assembly.

我想用铰链和门创建一个新的组件。我将不选择新命令,而是将其旁边的箭头展开,然后从零件/汇编中选择“ make Assembly”,以启动一个新的汇编,其中铰链汇编为第一部分。

Make assembly from Assembly command in SOLIDWORKS Make assembly from Assembly command in SOLIDWORKS

Make Assembly from Part/Assembly command.

I'll place the hinge using the same steps as above except I’ll place it so that it’s floating. I’ll use the Insert Components command to bring in the door and click the green check to fix this at the origin, then use mates to attach the hinge to it. The last mate is a distance mate, specifying a set distance between the mate entities.

Mating Hinge Subassembly in SOLIDWORKS Mating Hinge Subassembly in SOLIDWORKS

Hinge subassembly fully mated.

The HINGE ASSEMBLY is a subassembly. If you recall, in the hinge assembly the hinge could rotate, right? However, when you place a subassembly in an assembly, the positions of the parts are locked in the last saved position. I can show the rotation of the hinge by right-clicking on it and selecting, Make Subassembly Flexible. Keep in mind that this isn't the default behavior because it requires more processing. It's recommended to leave subassemblies rigid in large assemblies as much as possible.

在固体工作中使子组件灵活 在固体工作中使子组件灵活

Make Subassembly Flexible command.

希望这个博客为您提供了一些基础知识,以创建和修改组件SOLIDWORKS。如果您有任何疑问,请联系我们at Hawk Ridge Systems. Thanks for reading!


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